Our strategy
Our integrated care strategy sets out the priority areas that we will focus on to improve the health and wellbeing of our residents, and to make sure that our health and care services are more joined up and easier to access.
Our strategy has been written by a partnership of different organisations across Lancashire and South Cumbria, including local government, the NHS, Healthwatch, organisations from local business and education, and voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise groups.
Why do we need an integrated care strategy?
There are many things that affect people’s health and wellbeing. Some are about the way that health and care services are provided. Some are about the way that people are supported to live healthy lives. Some are about much wider things, such as living in disadvantaged communities. All of these things mean that there are unfair differences in health and wellbeing across our communities and unequal chances in life. Some people might live shorter lives, or they might not have as many healthy, disability-free years of their life.
Our integrated care strategy aims to tackle the most complicated issues affecting people’s health and wellbeing that can only be solved by different organisations working together with communities.
Our vision
We want people in Lancashire and South Cumbria to live longer, healthier, happier lives than they currently do.
Be healthier
Improve our health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities
Be wealthier
Improve the economic prosperity of our communities
Be happier
Live more fulfilling lives and feel more connected to our communities
Our priorities
Our strategy focuses on five areas of people’s lives.
Starting Well: Give our children the best start in life, supporting them and their families with problems that affect their health and wellbeing, and getting them ready to start school
Living Well: Reduce ill health and tackle inequalities across mental and physical health for people of all ages by understanding the cause of these unfair differences
Working Well: Increase ambition, aspiration and employment, with businesses supporting a healthy and stable workforce and employing people who live in the local area
Ageing Well: Support people to stay well in their own home, with connections to their communities and more joined up care
Dying Well: Encourage all our residents to feel comfortable in talking about planning for dying, and to be well-supported when a loved one dies
Themes that will help us to deliver on these priorities
- ‘One workforce’ across health and care, helping services be more joined up for our residents
- Supporting unpaid carers with their own health and wellbeing as well as the people they are looking after
- Using digital resources and making better use of information about our population
- Using our buildings as collective resources across communities
- Committing to sustainability in health and care services to reduce our environmental impact
How we will work with our residents
Listen and understand the needs of our communities and start engagement early when developing plans
Plan together with people and communities and put people at the heart of decision making
Build relationships across our communities, especially with those who have felt excluded or been affected by unfair and unequal chances in life.
Communicate well and provide clear and accessible information about our vision, plans and progress.